6H Charlie The Unicorn "Chaaarlieee"
Burmese Dumbo
Date Of Birth: April 4th 2013 (World Rat Day)
Charlie is a calmer male who gives kisses. He also is not afraid to explore. He is gorgeous boy who is great at posing for the camera!
Date Of Birth: April 4th 2013 (World Rat Day)
Charlie is a calmer male who gives kisses. He also is not afraid to explore. He is gorgeous boy who is great at posing for the camera!
MVR-6H Elvis Prickly Feet "Elvis"
Black Berkshire Dumbo
Born in June
Elvis is a super playful boy! He loves to play chase and be tickled. He is a big boy for his age and I hope he continues to grow! He has a super shiny, slick coat for a male rattie!
Born in June
Elvis is a super playful boy! He loves to play chase and be tickled. He is a big boy for his age and I hope he continues to grow! He has a super shiny, slick coat for a male rattie!